About Windy
Dear Windy team, I learned about your site in the "hangar" forum of www.ulm.it where a user shared your link. I am gratefull to this user because it is a valuable tool for medium and long distance flight planning and I think all air navigation service providers (ASNP) should include it in their meteo service. I will suggest it to our national ANSP.
Furthermore it seem to me a tool which allows to better explain meteorology and to transmit the fascination of weather charts.Congratulation to your exploit!
Toni -
Very very well job. The site is very useful.
Thank you very much.Could you add please, for example, K-index for convection, we have only CAPE, which is for the local-summer type convection. K-index is very good for all convections for Cb thunderstorm...
All the best. :)
I absolutely love it! I'm a multi-engine pilot, skier, snowboarder and scuba diver who lives half time in the Teton Mountains of Idaho & Wyoming, and half time on a small island in Thailand. Winds (surface & aloft), Waves, Swells, Forecasts, etc. is everything I need in one place. And very sexy graphics, too! Thank you!! Keep it small and fast!!
you are amazing
can you write your email adress?
thank you
Danny Roup
Israel -
Thank you very much.
Hey man, just wanted to drop by and say thanks or the app. It's perfect. Everything I would want from an app, it has. I sometimes spends hours just looking through different layers. And as a pilot it's awesome for visualising the weather plus just about everything else. Cheers again !
Yes, we're sailors and love this app. Would happily pay for historical data.
@iduna-ii I agree. Historical data could be part of premium paid version and it will be great for planning future sailing trips!
@areks Thank You for the suggestion and support. We will take it into consideration for sure, but for now, we're not planning to launch a subscription program. ~ Michal
could i use some API to get forecast data for specific location? I would like to show it in my app.
Dear Ivo,
is it possible to use your app on our website?
Best regards,
Wolfgang Hauck
As a former systems programmer now retired and a weather analyst since childhood, I was astounded when I first came across this program and now I am loving it, customizing each map to my liking.
I have the greatest respect for you and your team. Somewhere I saw your picture with a goat. I have to find it again because I want a better look at the both of you but anyway, congratulations on an excellent system! My hat is off to you.
Pytor Crcc
aka Peter -
Thanks a lot for your effort and pretty nice product. Your app is very usefull.
I'm a ferry captain in the mexican caribean in this momen everyday check this app, pretty helpfull.Best regards.
Hello, yes, of course, check these topics in our FAQ:
~ Michal
What can I say,
Congratulations and “Thank you”!
Thank You! This is my favorite weather source! This site is AWesome!
Is this an open source project?
@charleswashburn it would be great!
How would i came to know about yearly percentage of any specific place?