Adding Marine Weather Bouys to the maps
We have three marine weather buoys on Lake Winnipeg in Manitoba Canada. They are seasonal buoys and get deployed some time at the end of May to mid June and removed from service at the end of September to mid October. The first one was deployed yesterday.Is there any way your system can look for these and add them automatically? or is there a way they can be added?
These are the buoys of interest:
South Basin 45140 Location: 50.790N 96.73W
Narrows 45145 Location: 51.870N 96.97W
North Basin 45144 Location: 53.230N 98.29WThanks
Hi, thank you for possibility of adding data from your buoys.
We are not downloading and displaying data from buoys at all, but it is one of the features we have somewhere on our plan. If your buoys publish raw data somehow (SYNOP, MADIS, etc.), it is possible that we can add them in future. -
Hi, thanks for the reply. I believe that the data is available but not sure of the method. I think that the system has an hourly reporting frequency via GOES satellite. I do see the reports on Environment Canada, NOAA - National Buoy Data Center, Weather Underground and Wind Alert.