Distance and Planning Improvements
"Distance and Planning" (D&P) is less useful than it could be. I use it to plan sailing races. It is better than nothing but has serious shortcommings which create a lot of work better done in software:
- There isn't access to wind direction and velocity along the track when in D&P mode,
- Opening a second instance to get wind vectors only works with two displays i.e. can't do with tablet.
- Integrating the information is made more difficult by the LAT & LON formats being different. The D&P uses fractional degrees and the wind mode uses degrees and fractional minutes. It is further complicated by many external tables using degrees, minutes and seconds.
Suggestions; - Allow user to choose angular formats.
- Allow wind information flags to be displayed in D&P" mode.
- Allow frozen wind information flags to include time in D&P mode.
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