suggestion: UTC time zone
suggestion is to add the ability to view the forecast time steps (along the bottom of the screen) in UTC time (or choose your own time zone) rather than your computer's local time.
This would be a huge help!!
Also somewhere that it is easy to see what model runtime you are viewing. i.e. the 00z model run, 12z, etc.
Thanks!! -
Totally agreed! As an ATPL (Airline Transport Pilot) that flies non-regularly all over the world this would be an excellent tool. Example: I'm now in Maddinah (KSA) and flying Friday to Guwahati (India). In aviation UTC is our time. It isn't feasible to be changing the iPad clock every time I want to see the forecast for next Friday to Guwahati. It would be nice to choose between your current location, UTC and destination times.