Weather fronts
Would it be possible to add frontal displays such as cold, warm, stationary, occluded?
@mikeflys Yes, maybe some day, but it is not in our plan for this year.
Any plans for this in 2018?
Please get the frontal systems incorporated. They are such a basic part of meteorology that so many apps ignore. Adding frontal systems would give an instant view of the type of weather or there on a large scale and leave us to interpret the 3d weather at a glance. Would be great if you could!
Fronts are drawn by hand by experienced meteorologists.
ECMWF has an automated product for fronts, it looks like that
Source: -
...... In the following figure you see automated and manual analysis charts
(a blend for comparison).
Manual fronts (from MetOffice) are shown conventionally,
objective fronts (from ECMWF) are in colour.
I'm not sure if this specialized product is available to
I think! This is impossible to add cold front ,... It will bad
I was looking for this.
As a flight dispatcher that would be fantastic planning and monotoringwise. And maybe if possible let me just suggest, the integration of SIGWX (or at least TURB areas, maybe with the help of SIGMETs) its something that would make our lives a bit easier (FOO and pilots), rather than looking into diferent charts from diferent soucers to get the info.
Finally the cherry on top would be the plooting of routes (accured waypoints and all) but that I think would be demanding to much of the application at this point.
but you guys think all of the above would be fiasable in the future, or maybe someone already working on some of this features at this point?