Should Windy change user interface of mobile Apps?
Loyal users hate the change, but Windy got a lot of new functionality since our new iOS and Android was born and after heavy use of our aps I think there is need to do some "simplification"
TI am thinking about following UI change in our mobile apps and would like to hear your options
First of all I would like to get rid of sliding overlays and level sliders on the side, since they they are very demanding for CPU, take a lot of space just in the middle of screen so iPhone 5 users are struggling a lot, and anyway they are king of unpredictable sometimes.
Level and overlays sliders menus would be common old school menus sliding from right, with big fonts and nice icons.
Color legend should also be gone from page and be visible only when some kind of menu would slide from the right (legend would slide from a left).
"Menu", the most ugly page in our mobile apps right now would also slide from right, and should contain its content in much more clean way.
Hard to say which concept is the best, maybe you can test both with community help
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