New mobile version is here, how do you like it?
@ivo Dear Ivo... I preferred the original format. I am a professional mariner, who has sung your praises for the accuracy and useability of Windyty. It’s main value to me is the wind (speed & direction) and waves (height & direction) forecasting format, where I could use the bottom slider to advance the forecast. Whether looking at an individual day or understanding the wind shifts with a frontal passage, I have found your site essential to my planning. Prior to and during hurricane Irma, your predictions were fantastic...and when compared to real time radar, it was “the picture to have”.
I use a large IPad Pro at the helm, which allows me to use ActiveCaptain, Garmin Blue charts, Wonderground WX, and Windyty. It’s the best “one stop shop” for a working captain.
Thank you and my best,
Jim Cranston, CDR/USN(Ret)
USCG Lic. Master
860-884-1233 -
I Think absolutli great .
I flay whit aircraft every day end I em very happy . Peter . -
Onde esta a previsão de chuvas ?
Ok, but you need some time to appreciate it
No good for flying with out the altitudes, no need to change that!
I think it is a significant improvement. I was able to use the old interface but to be honest, it wasn't the most intuitive UI that I have seen. The new interface is much better. I am sure that there can be more improvements but this is a great step forward. Thank you
@ivo it used to be that i could tap a spot in the map and watch the wind speed of that spot while the prediction time line runs. That was the single most useful feature for me (kitesurfer).
Please bring it back because without it windity is almost useless.
Thank you -
Super awesome. Thanks. J
Still have mixed feelings about the improvements at this point. I think it was more user friendly with the old version. However, even though I have changed the rain units to inches, it still comes up as mm and snowfall in cm. This is driving me crazy lol. I use this mainly on my IPad Pro, but also have the same problems on the site too. Is there also a way to have more than one weather point on the map to show conditions changing? Multiple points would be great. Is it possible to get more models such as the Canadian model? Love the site, so keep up the great work gang!
Very, very good. Thank you developers
Excelente aplicación ADELANTE !!!!
Go back to the previous model...
More friendly more easy. -
Its all ok
New to me, but habitual pc user. Expecting the same quality, got it!! Tnks
This is the best weather app that I'm using for planing my flights. Yes, sometimes was little complicated to choose what I want to see on the menus but to get everything in one place is a big benefit and time saving feature. What I would like to see is the radar picture od the Ares that works on every phone. Otherwise great job man , thanks. -
@yuuki2012001 this still works. Hold a spot on the map and choose location picker. Then run the play button. Works for me.
@navyskydoc the altitude slider is still in the menu on the right. Just scroll down the default wind menu and you can see it.
Hi Ivo and team, I've only had an hour to play with the app so far but I think it's a huge progress jump in UX. Thanks!!!
I've not seen any loss of functionality or detail that some people mentioned - things just moved to a new or more intuitive menu. Might take people a couple of hours use to find what they are used to and learn where it is now. Nobody likes that type of change initially, but I think what you guys have done here is fantastic. I'll update later. Great job!
Edit: everyone had their own reasons to use this app. Mine is I fly quadcopters. The wind bar and rain drops in the widget quickly let's me see when suitable flying days are coming. Love it.
I love this app
It's the first weather app I use now, but please please please put back the pressure indications as they were on the old version, I'm lost without seeing pressure indicated normally...