How we do we get more accurate figures (Temperature) etc. logged/predicted for our specific location/s ? Our weather here is extreme-tropics, but the map shows up to 10c off the mark at times.
Example ; today, our temps reached 32c, but Windy shows it as 26c maximum.
Unfortunately, this is a common problem for weather models.
ECMWF model has a grid of 9 km, that means is "forecasting" the same temperature (also wind etc) for any place within a 9x9 km square. If there is a "hot" valley and a "cold" mountain into this square, the model will give the average temperature.
NEMS model, wich has a 4 km grid, will give more accurate temperature forecast
as seen in the meteogram (is for location Gusap Airstripe).
OK..bottom (NEMS) model looks more realistic...although those temps are not being reflected in the Meteogram I have on my screen, for Gusap Airstrip. It shows a max of 26c for the day...about 10c out of whack. No biggie really.