Tide Forecast on Windy
Love the graphic representation at each tide station and the pop up window details. Well done, thank you,
I love all your data. You save me a lot of time and carbon emissions searching for waves. I wish the tide forecast was a little easier to read for projections. When I move forward in the week, it doesn't seem to change the tides. When I open the side bar, I can see projections, but just for a day or two. Is it possible to have tide projections further out? Can you add the date to the projections in the side bar? Mahalo.
The tide forecast stopped working today for some reason. All the tide and current stations now show up as tiny yellow dots with no way of clicking on them. Am I the only one experiencing this?
@akovia I'm having exact same issue now. Were you able to find a fix for it?
I have the same issue, the tide icons have shrunk with the latest build and can no longer click on them.
Hi, you are right it’s a bug. @ivo
Hi all, it was a bug and it should be fixed by now. Thanks for reporting.
Tide numbers are cool, but would be better to have the option of a graph. Maybe when you turn the device to landscape the graph pos up.
Dean C. -
Good but the most important bit of information I need is height of tide now at my selected location. For the UK I need to see Secondary Ports as well as Primary Ports. All data available from UKHG via a API along with tide gauge readings.
@SARABoats I find this information very useful. I check it before deciding to swim in my local salt water rock pool. High tide at this pool brings the breakers into the pool which is less pleasant than when the tide is lower.
Useful also for boating and fishing.
I live on the East coast of Australia.
Windy app is awesome -
Hi, I was wondering if this data is available through the paid API.
I have been searching for a single data provider with multiple area/continents; however I have not found any except fleetmon.comI do understand that it is difficult due to the protection laws of each data provider, so please do not hesitate to say no.
@idefix37 - No need to get rid of Feet. Each user can skip what they don't use.
Good morning from Hamburg / Germany
The link from the BSH for the tide prediction in Germany has changed.
Here is the currently working link.
https://tableau.bsh.de/views/Wasserstand_Nordsee_Pegelseite/Wasserstand_Kurve?Pegel=Hamburg&Bezugsniveau=Pegelnull (PNP)&:embed=y&:showAppBanner=false&:display_count=no&:showVizHome=no&:alerts=no&:tabs=no&:showShareOptions=false&:toolbar=topI refer to the website of BSH because it is the most accurate info. I would prefer having the same accuracy in an app. Preferably an app that also is available for my samsung smartwatch.
Karsten -
I am an avid sea kayaker and make use of tides and currents constantly, pulling from a variety of sources. I already use Windy for weather and swell predictions so it's great that you're now including this information. I have two suggestions for changes that would make what you've got much more useful:
For current stations only, add ebb and flood headings, that is, the compass direction of the ebb and flood directions. Without this information, the flood and ebb timing is often useless unless the station is in a very simple location (like a river mouth). As one example, where the East River joins the Harlem River in NYC, the definition of ebb/flood direction actually reverses as you go through the river confluence. If you don't know that, you can wind up making exactly the wrong decision! The definitions of ebb and flood are a bit arbitrary for waterways that connect two larger tidal bodies of water, and also for channels between islands where it is hard to guess which current is labeled which. This is why they are included in all NOAA current stations.
If it were possible to plug an arbitrary time/date into the tide/current stations (rather than just a time from the slider at the bottom) this would turn Windy into a full-blown tidal prediction app, which would make it a "one-stop shop" for those planning a trip in the future. But obviously this is more disruptive to the UI design.
Thanks for your consideration!
Lol, for how many years people have been asking for graphic representation of tidal data?
I asked personally 2 years ago and sadly nothing changed.
It doesn't seem like anyone cares here. Poor tidal data is one of the reasons I stopped using windy for kitesurfing. Sad considering how much other data is here... I mean, ozone layer? Who cares... Just give us what we need most.
After taking a closer look it seems that at least some of the tidal currents Windy is reporting for the US is quite a bit different from what the government NOAA website predicts. This makes me hesitant to use Windy until there's an explanation of what's going on.
As an example, I looked today at tide station Upper Hell Gate, Sasanoa River (ACT0596). Windy has this data for February 11, 2020:
10:16 AM Slack, Flood Begins 1h 7m ago, 0kt
1:11 PM Max Flood in 1h 48m, 1.26kt
5:01 PM Slack, Ebb Begins in 5h 38m, 0kt
11.2 at 7:25 PM Max Ebb, -1.28ktBut NOAA has this data:
2020-02-11 11:47 AM slack -
2020-02-11 01:19 PM flood 1.31
2020-02-11 03:34 PM slack -
2020-02-11 06:59 PM ebb -1.06As you can see, the times given for slack is 90 minutes too late in Windy. (I also checked a number of other sites which are very close or identical to NOAA, and my experience on the water is that NOAA gets these predictions quite accurately.)
What's the reason for this discrepancy?
I love tides, but it's only useful for the tides today. It doesn't show the date so I can't use it for forecasting tides. Can you please show tide dates?
@jberkovitz This all depends on the harmonical constants we have for given spot. Based on those, tides are calculated for the future (but also for the past!). NOAA has most likely some newer, more accurate constants for given spot, I will check if there is a new DB available.
@GlenGitsham the dates are there, what exactly and where are you missing?