Tide Forecast on Windy
@WharfRat yes your spot on a tide graph as you have submitted is easy to read in a kayak or small boat being thrown about by waves, and entering bar ways and small river/waterways.
i rely on tide info with weather conditions a lot in my fishing pursuits and need to have weather and tide info several days in advance as well. this app is now my go to app for all conditions related to my fishing. -
@kekert i think like me he would like to be able to see the tidal info several days in advance to be able to work in with weather forecasts to make planing a fishing trip or other activities, a good app there well done, please keep tides going. thank's.
Hi there,
Sorry reviving an old thread, I have no idea if this is the correct way to do it... I was thinking, maybe it could be added to the alerts section something like the Nautide app notifications? Eg.: Everytime a certain station has high-tide or lowering tide, etc, I get an alert about it.
Would be nice to have an alert about when the tide is high, or when it's lowering (or when it's low tide, I think you got the idea), since I keep track of some local data for some personal projects.
@idefix37 I'd leave the choice to the settings which the user has set up in Windy settings as far as ft and m. Yes, a graphical screen would be a great addition too.
Hi, Yes I fully agree with you, both for the units and the graph. -
Love the tide information—- very important to us, as boaters. We Cruise are on the east Coast of the US. I noticed that some of the tide station data reflects current (slack tide, for example, at St Johns River in Florida). Some of the tide stations do not (St Mary’s inlet in Georgia). I would love to see this information at all the inlets (I know the data exists).
Thank you
@ivo Love the tide forecasting feature! It would be really good if you could see it as a line in the normal wind/weather forecast along the bottom of the screen, so you could quickly click on, say, 13:00 in two days time and instantly see where the tide will be.
Love the tide forecasts. In the side bar don’t see the point of having tide in feet and metres in Australia. We’re metric. Can you change tide height units country dependent.
I see that tide heights are displayed in feet and metres in Australia. -
@WharfRat said in Tide Forecast on Windy:
Not sure if it's at all possible, but a tidal graph like this one is very easily read and even much more informative when interactive where you can slide to a specific time or date to see the forecast; Just a thought.
Tidal cures would be very useful
Love the site/app I am constantly impressed with the information provided. In the way putting my vote in, I'd love to see a tide chart like the one user lumpet one and user wharfRat posted about. Also as others have mentioned the meter to foot conversion is not correct for tidal height, e.g. 0.23 meters is not 0 ft. Another thing that would be lovely is a graphical interface like this:
where tidal current stations have a graphical representation of direction of flow and water speed. Please and thank you! Keep up the good work!
Tides are a really important factor to many windsurfers. They dictate the conditions and help our decisions on where and when to sail, so it goes hand in hand with the wind forecast.
Your beta is a bit confusing and not very accurate either, at least not for where I live which is on the UK south coast - we have an abundance of live tide apps here to use. As they work with what are essentially only predictions they are suprisingly all consistent and accurate.
I've worked with some API's to these tide tables, many are free or pretty cheap so I think to add tides to Windy is not a big issue, it just depends on who you ultimately use for the data source(s), how many days in advance you want to predict and how much if anything you want to pay.
Figures and graphs are great, plenty of apps to reearch ideas for the UI.
Single app for wind and tides is a winner !
It seems that semi dirurnal tides are being "predicted" on the northwestgulf coast of Florida. We have diurnal tides here and therefore the tide data provided is of no use. Maybe you could provide some clarification on why you have two high tides and two low tides daily in a place where that does not occur. Thanks.
Id like to add that i love the icons on the screen that's genius.
Although slightly useful, without a tidal graph option you have to leave Windy to make your own graph. At present it is easier to switch on the Navionics app ( or some other app) to look at tidal height in 3 or 4 hours time etc. Also can the option to have it in meters or feet be switched . I wouldn't think anybody would want to work in both?
Recently lost my favorite tide app. We use tide tables every day so I was beyond happy to see it here. bolded text -
This post is deleted! -
@wharfrat Yes, I find it hard to tell on the current popup which day I'm looking at ... see this figure (
image url)