using wind measurements of wind turbines?
hi everyone. this has not really anything specifically to do with this website.
but since quite some time now i'm wondering about the following:i'm living near the baltic sea with flat coastal landscape and lots and lots of wind turbines onshore and offshore. in order work properly (produce energy) every single one of those wind turbines has an anemometer and a wind vane which send live wind data not only to the unit itself but also to the owners computer. so there is software in place that sends live weather data off every single turbine.
does anyone know if there has ever been any thought of using these vast amount of live weather data for weather forecasting or weather/wind reporting? i'm sure that i'm not the first to think about it. and for sure there are bound to be a lot of challenges to create such a system or (better) integrate it into the existing weather forecasting/reporting systems.
i'm just excited by the idea and the potential of such a detailed/complete wind picture this would give, at least for the geographical areas with lots of wind turbines.
any thoughts, ideas, experience?