What timezone is used at Windy?
Timeline bar at the bottom of screen Windy uses local time of your computer.
In the detail of any location (when you open detailded forecast) the local time of that particular location is used. Of course, if you open detail in the middle of the ocean, we use UTC, since there is no timezone.
Can you just add a function do display ALL THE TIME in UTC? Aviation fly by using UTC
How does it handle Daylight Savings Time?
@HGlydr Hmm will have to check
I think this matter could be clearer. 1. For example, when I see the forecast for a given location, instead oh "hours" you could put "local time (UTC+x)".
2. When watching the map, that takes the time of the computer, you could add as well, on the label with day and time, a parenthesis with the UTC used. 3. I can be interested in watching the time in New York from Europe. Maybe another option is to offer the option of changing to local time of the point clicked with the mouse...
Just ideas. Just arrived to your site, Great jobs guys. -
Can you at least label the timezone unit for every time stamp on the map?
For example:
13:00 EDT(UTC-4)
or17:00 UTC
or 17:00 z
Please dont do that. local time is best for the majority of users. There could be a setting to only use UTC time.
I am in the Azores islands, which is in the middle of the ocean (250 thousand inhabitants, plus other mid ocean archipelagos such as Iceland, Madeira, Canaries, Cabo Verde, Saint Helena, etc.), so does that mean I am shown a London UTC time for my location at Central Azores (Pico)? There is indeed a time zone for East-West Mid Atlantic ocean, which is Azores Time Zone. Azores TZ is 2 hours behind Madrid-Paris-Berlin-Warsaw and 1 hour behind Dublin and Lisbon and London as well (GMT-1)(UTC-1).
"Of course, if you open detail in the middle of the ocean, we use UTC, since there is no timezone."
"Of course, if you open detail in the middle of the ocean, we use UTC, since there is no timezone."
Time zones exist around the globe regardless of whether the longitudinal lines fall over land or "the middle of the ocean".
It's difficult to believe this has been here since 2018, and still no way of changing the default time zones, that I can find. -
Of course, at sea there are time zones, every 15° of longitude.
https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Time_zoneOn Windy maps over ocean, at every 15° of longitude, the local time is well offset by 1 hour compared to UTC. Click the picture to enlarge.
But why do you want to change the default time zones? There would be no sense doing it
@drift boss The weather is very volatile, as this winter there was a record amount of snow where I live