Snow and rain accumulations in other models are here
What is new in v13.06
- Rain & snow accumulations are supported by other models!
- Pressure isolines are supported by other models
- Faster start-up (especially on mobile)
- Button for Fullscreen mode
- New sexy info page containing reference and update times
Really nice, thumbs up
One bug, different isolines in icon model are selectable, but nothing happens. ECMWF works fine
Update : geopot high isolines in ECMWF didn't work either -
One other thing I can't explain
ICON model, see snow accumulated layer for Berlin next 5 days, 0.1 cm (=1mm)
And here forecast for Berlin, look at new snow values for next days
Huge difference... Hmmm 🤤
ECMWF is fine..
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