How to Report a BUG - use the new Error Console!
Our goal is to make Windy the best weather forecasting service. Therefore we introduce a new error console at that will enable you to identify and report an issue.
If you think you have found a bug:
- Make sure you have checked our Frequently Asked Questions section!
Before you report a bug:
Do you have the latest version of Internet browser installed? Google Chrome is recommended.
Is your Internet connection ok?
Do you have any browser extensions in your browser, that could interfere with Windy code?
Where to report a BUG:
Please report bugs only into this section of Windy Community, so that we can share issues with other Windy users.
Please double-check if there is already a topic on this issue. If it is, comment in that thread. If it's not, just create a new topic.
How to report a BUG:
Describe the bug. Send a screenshot if possible.
Open the console whenever you have an issue from Menu > Tools > Error console on desktop or from Menu > Error Console on mobile.
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@ivo I use Windy on my iPad and I'm stuck on the white welcome screen. Any tips on how to correct this? I have location services on and I have toggled the wi-fi on/off with no difference.
I should also mention, I am on IOS 11.2.5, maybe there's a compatibility issue?
I ivo referenced this topic on