Winter Weather Gets No Respect
Why are so many websites designed to display many types of spring/summer weather watches/warnings using lots of colors yet they generally lump all the winter watches/warning into one color, white? For example, I was just looking at the Weather Underground Severe Weather map (NWS maps are similar) and there are areas nationwide with watches and warnings all displayed in white.
Currently there are wind chill advisories, wind chill warnings, winter storm watches, winter storm warnings, winter weather advisories and blizzard warnings in the US but there is no difference in color. All are white. You have to click county by county to see what watch/warning is issues there. There ares some light green areas for Special Statements but most of those are not winter weather related. When looking at the Legend, there are 16 colors used for various watches and warnings for spring and summer weather but only white for every possible winter weather watch or warning.
Why does winter weather get slighted? It ain’t fair.
there are no colors left for winter weather !
I dunno 'bout dat! My box of crayons has 64 colors. Ok, my bad attempt at humor.
When I look at color choices, they appear to be mostly primary colors. I presume for best visibility. Subtle colors in weather warnings probably isn't advisable. So why not use the same colors but with diagonal lines drawn through them. A tornado watch is red & white so a blizzard watch could be red and white diagonal lines. A tornado warning is solid red so a blizzard warning could be red diagonal lines in both directions. Ok, I took a few minutes and slapped some examples together (see below).
I'm not a graphic artist and these might not be the best visuals but they could come up with a way to differentiate various winter watches and warnings to make viewing easier.
Blizzard Watch -
Blizzard Warning -
Winter Storm Watch -
Winter Storm Warning -
Winter Weather Advisory -
Wind Chill Advisory -
Wind Chill Warning - -
Good idea! Make a proposition to NOAA ! You never know ....