Windy Station
Hello my name is Luca
I m part of a wind crazy gang here in Italy formed by kiters, surfers and caters using windy to check weather forecast
I m trying to buy a wind station for the gang and I d love to have one I can integrate with Windy... any suggestion?
Thanks in advance, Luca -
I don't believe Windy uses any personal weather station data. Also, I am not privileged to inside information but it would seem that could be a bit overwhelming to administer. They do rely on professional services, some free and some they pay for. If you are interested in having your personal local weather on the web, try the Weather Underground ( They are all user input driven and have some amazing maps available for viewing. You can then use WU data on your personal website. They have a large section on weather stations they recommend to work with their service. I used to have my weather data posted there when I owned a home but I am not able to have a personal weather station at my apartment complex. I hope this helps.