Wind direction reading???
Why when I click on the map, the wind directions are reading wrong? South is north, east is west and so on??? iPhone x
@heathpaul anyone know why compas direction reading are wrong?
please send a screenshot.
Keep in mind that wind direction is the direction FROM which it comes from.
For example, a northerly wind blows from the north to the south. -
@meteo-gr how do I send a screen shot?
 won’t let me upload one
press "prt sc" (print screen) then "ctrl+V" (paste) -
I’m on my iphone
why the compas direction reading is wrong?
@marcoprolo when you click on the map it’s shows kts and direction, but it’s showing north as south east as west and so on.
@meteo-gr oh so it’s correct then sorry first time using any apps like this. So when I pinpoint it’s showing direction the wind is blowing from😂😂😂👌👌👌 my bad