Settings in general and wind direction specifically
My new view of Windy does not have a 'settings' page that I can find (Chrome, W7Pro).
Previously I could specify degrees rather than direction. For our application, "W" might include anything from 270 through, perhaps, 320 degrees, before it shows "N" - but the distinction is critical for us, as our comfort in the Gulf Stream at ~25-27N depends on wind which is no closer than about 50 degrees to north - 310-050, e.g., we want to avoid. Currently, we can't tell other than by guessing at the apparent angle of the display.
I also would like to be able to specify knots or mph, C or F, and the like, but can't find the settings any more.
Are they still available?
Welp, this is strange.
The menu icon wasn't available - until I found some other post which had me append /menu to the link.
I was successfully able to set my parameters as I wished that way.
It's still flaky, but now that I have it formatted to show me degrees, it's not an issue.
The current page I have shows a query in the URL string, which had not been there before:,26.998,-79.126,10,m:epQadVP
No idea how it arrived there, but my page looks as I had become accustomed to, and all is again well.
Maybe this problem?