windy pro for windows
I have bought the windy pro for windows for my windows phone. it has the same logo as you so I thought it was a real app. It is not, almost none of the features work, the buttons don't work, no windspeed, just somehow indicating direction. Is this a fake? I tried to put all this into the review in windows store but it won't accept it. Has anybody else had this problem?
this is not the app I downloaded it has your logo and the screenshots show your android app. it is by
this is where they sell it -
I see only 2 critics and only 1 star ! -
I tried to put in a critique but it wouldn't let me
@uebero Hello Uebero, I'm sorry to say, that is a copycat of Windy. Unfortunately, we don't support WP. I've reported that for copyright violation. Thank You for sharing this, I hope, this fake Windy app will be gone soon..
~ Michal