BEWARE: This is not our APP (WP)
Unfortunately, some people copy the Windy app and even though we're doing everything to block them, some new copycats spring up quite often.
On the link below, You can see the most cheeky one, they even use our logotype. However, Windy does not support Windows Phone format at all, so every app using our API on WP are fake. I've reported this app for copyright violations and it should be removed from Windows Store in the coming days / weeks.
Keep in mind that all Windy apps are free, without in-app purchases etc and they offer 99% of our website's functionality.
Windy for Android
Windy for iOSPlease report any plagiarists, so we may block them as soon as possible. Thank You.
~ Michal -
سلام برنامه خوبی از کجا هستی شما
@eshaq123 Das kann ich nicht lesen