Which forecast is used for ECMWF?
I am wondering if somebody can tell me which ECMWF forecast is actually used on Windy.com? Is it the "Operational" or the "Ensemble" forecast?
Thanks for the replies!
Atmospheric Model high resolution 10-day forecast (HRES).
The ENS has lower resolution (0.2 degrees). -
Cool many thanks for the information!
This is interesting because when you click on the clock, "about these data", in the lower right hand corner of the screen, there is mention of the deterministic 9km ECMWF model there. However, just beneath that it shows NAM 5km, ECMWF 13km (more on par with the EURO Ensemble) and GFS 22km. When displaying forecast, that shows 9km.
So I guess the question here is, is all the data from the HIRES 9km run, or is some of it from the Ensemble and if so which data? -
ECMWF horizontal res. 13 km, never existed.
The res. was 16 km back in 2010 and from Mar. 2016 is 9 km. -
We use only ECMWF-HRES, 9km.
13km is mistake, we will fix it in future version. @ivo -
Thanks very much for you your clear and prompt response. I appreciate it. I am glad I brought it up and that it will be fixed to eliminate any further possible confusion.