The influence of topography on wind
Today, strong north winds blow over Aegean Sea.
The air flow is blocked by Crete island.
Weather models show different wind patterns as the wind is blocked by the
three main mountains of Crete.
It's obvious that ICON and ECMWF represent more realistic the situation
although NEMS has (?) better resolution.
@meteo-GR Thank you! Yes, it is strange that NEMS have the best resolution, but the wind pattern shows the mountains only slightly.
The right picture should be GFS, am I right? -
Nice pictures which show sharper images from the best resolution models.
I have observed like you that NEMS seems to provide maps with an apparent worse resolution compared to ICON and even ECMWF despite a resolution of 4km. But I have understood too that NEMS on Windy is a « multimodel » with a range of resolution. On Windy, in quick menu, if you click on «About these data» NEMS resolution is 4-12km. Difficult to know when it’s 4 and when it’s 12.
The title of your last screen shot should be GFS but not ICON, am I right? -
Sorry I have discover your message after I send my own message !! -
Yes you are! My mistake! (copy-paste).
Under the webcams symbol
GFS is highlighted. -
Yes (GFS instead of ICON far right). -
NEMS4 stops just out of Crete.
So, the winds over Crete come from NEMS12 -
-, the first image (with the 4 model's outputs)
show the differences of 7, 9, 12 and 22 km model's grid.