Windy version 14 brings sharper map and better colors
It's more clear, hard work, thank you
Great jobs, guys congrat. All support to meteorology
πολύ ωραίο
Perfektní práce super za mne jste profíci a dávám za jedna. Zdeněk
I love the fact that I can see the predictions, switch models, and change the altitude!
Such an excellent work and very helpful. Much appreciated. Vinaka.
No limit perfection!
Hello! The Winda Community team, I have suggestions for you, it's possible to add geomagnetic disturbance to your program of winds of the earth, it will look amazing.
Superbe site, merci pour votre travail.
graphics is excellent, prediction need to be more correct
Muy buena aplicación¡¡¡¡ De mucha utilidad. Felicitaciones¡¡¡
i love it . thank you
@ivo Good job...excellent progress...
Hey, how about a who is who in your group pic?
Totally Awesome then some :)
Estoy encantado por vuestro trabajo. MUCHAS GRACIAS
I like the improvement a lot. Good work team. Keep the improvements coming and continue to pay attention to the feedback you get from your users!
We luv the big W, I am a fisherman and your detailed marine forecast is of the chart. I reside in Oceanside CA and the word is spreading fast as to the accuracy and detail your program provide. Now if you can just tell us when they are hungry and time of eating ??