Velocidad de la reproducion de las animaciones
Deberia poderse establecer una velocidad en las animaciones o bien directamente relentizarlas. Va tan deprisa que no da tiempo actualizar los valores, de temperatura o el que tengas seleccionado, realmente no le da tiempo a refrescar los datos cuando ya ha cambiado de hora, esto induce a error pues los datos mostrados no son correctos.
Muchas gracias.
@marianin Hello, instead of animation - try pressing arrow keys (left or right) which moves the forecast by 3 hours (backward or forward) , that way you can move the forecast at your own pace. Or you can drag&drop the slider.
Nice tip ! (press arrow keys).
What do you mean by "drag&drop the slider" ? -
@meteo-gr Hello there ! drag&drop is a widely known in computer jargon. It is a typical mouse "operation", where you usually copy/move files around in your PC, like this:
- press left button on your mouse over an file icon and hold it
- move it over the destination
- release the button
but you can use the same thing to achieve other things intuitively. For example, it can be used to move the forecast time slider to a different location, as shown on this screenshot:
It is definitely something you already use intuitively, I just wanted to clarify the exact meaning of drag&drop :) -