Thunderstorms forecast. (suggestion)
@meteo-GR The thunderstorm and fog layers use the global ICON model from DWD. You can click on the clock icon just above the weather model select to see the model information. And because the global ICON model so far only has 2 layers and their experimental, the model is not included in the normal list of models to choose from.
Thanks a lot for the info.
Do you know if those thunderstorm data are numeric (e.g. 1=light, 2=moderate, 3=severe etc)
or only YES/NO ?
Do they come from weather interpetation (WW) code , according to WMO ?
(61=rain, 73=snow, 95=tstms, 96=heavy tstms with hail ...)
As I know, there is such a single-level field in Global outputs from ICON. -
@meteo-gr Yes, exactly ! Fog and Thunderstorms layers are derived from global ICON's weather interpretation (WW).
- Fog data can have only three values (no fog; fog = 45; fog depositing rime = 48).
- Thunderstorms data can have only three values (no storm; storm = 95; thunderstorm = 96)
As stated in this table from DWD:
Link to the whole document:
giving ideas .... for windy version 15 !!
include rain showers in "thunderstorms forecast".
Not only "white dots" but:
81 light green
82 dark green
95 orange
96 redOR
use weather symbols (for a professional look)
So, you can have in only one map, the whole picture (clouds, rain, fog, thunderstorms)
like this
And for version 16.... something similar to the App "Weather 4D" which allows to mix different layers as you like. This App is not free and is mainly based on GFS.
@meteo-gr We had something similar in testing version, although much more simplified (just pixels of different colors). Not sure why @ivo decided to use only fog and thunderstorm WWs as separate layers. I think we first want to check how accurate these data are, then maybe consider the rest.
I like this approach with "little warning icons" over the map very much !!
@idefix37 Oh man, I really love the overlay transition when changing the forecast time (in the video). The arrow rotations are super smooth and as a result - it gives you a clearer idea of the wind development over time.
On Windy when we change forecast time, there is a slight glitch when it re-renders the whole overlay and recreates the particles and isobars. I dream of smooth transition between forecast times on our page too, but I am not sure if it is possible to smoothly change the existing particles/isobars (especially performance-wise). I guess it's a trade for beautiful animations. -
Yes, it's an nice idea for future development of Windy ! And don't forget to offer possibility of mixing different layers too. -
@meteo-gr WOW this is beautifull. @dzuremar I thik I would be able to put icons inside renderer.