Weather radar data of Taiwan
Hello Windy Group,
The Central Weather Bureau of Taiwan released the radar reflectivity data in XML format. It can download at (register for free, in Chinese), data ID is A0059-001. It will be useful for Windy Map.
Tytony Cheng
@tytony Great! Thank you for your post. If it is true, we will add Taiwan radar to Windy soon. But it is hard to believe that radar data is in XML format. I will check it out. Thank you again!
@tytony Do you have more information about the taiwan radar API? I am investigating it, but it is not so easy for me, since it is Chinese and I must use translators. I managed to create an account and get an API id (everything in chinese, but I made it finally :-) Now I am confused, because it seems that radar is quite a new product in Taiwan Open Data and is not well documented. I guess whether it is already fully operational...
@TZ You can get the XML file at
The data description is in the XML file, I translate it in below image :-)
@tytony thank you very much!!! I know about this, but I wondered if there is some documentation regarding URL parameters. E.g. if it is possible to get listing of available files or specify image time to download. Up to now it seems to me that only latest image is available. It would be great to have at least some metadata, so I can check whether image was updated. Otherwise I must periodically download the whole file and parse it.
@TZ CWB only offers the latest data, it updates every 10 minutes. (All of the CWB open data are the same...)
@tytony Ok, thank you very much for the information! So we will be regularly downloading the latest file. I have one more question: Are you “insider”? I mean are you from Taiwan meteo service or are you also using its open data?
@TZ I was in a Taiwan's weather company before, but now just an open data user.
@tytony Is this what you expect?