how to use tide forcast function
Dear Sir:
It's very nice to see that many changes happend to your good app "Windy",I want to know how to use the function: tide forcast,tks! -
@kelpinswamp I too am interested in the tide forecast function. I spent about 15 minutes trying various settings to see the forecast change over time but the particles appeared to show a tide direction (NW) for several days. If you can provide a optimal settings for this function that would be great. Thanks, Adam
Why do some spots show Ebb/Flood, while other spots use High/Low?
@ejahn Ebb and Flood (or flow) is measured by Flood Stations and are usually found in Estuaries. The concern is Current flow.
High and Low Tide is measured by Tide Stations.
@tomber42 Hi! I have justo installed the free versión of Windy and I find it wonderful. I live in northern Patagonia and I would love to get information about tides, is it possible? Thanks a lot and congrats for this great app!
Hi, in Windy there is no way to get Tides in your country. If you tick Tides, you see there are few countries where this feature is available. That is for this reason: