Линя фронта
Можно ли сделать отображение линии фронта и прогноз его передвижения?
Whether it is possible to make display of the front line and dynamics of its movement?
windy visualizes weather models (automaticaly).
Weather fronts are drawn by hand by experienced meteorologists.
It is a subjective procedure and windy has no meteorologists to do that.
Even big weather companies or National Meteorological Services
may draw fronts in different locations or shapes for the same weather situation.
Please look at the following image
(both charts are analyses for 3 Mar. 2018/00UTC):
Jeppesen draws a cold front from Romania to Malta.
The same time MetOffice draws an occluded front from Bulgaria to Turkey!
The problem may be solved in the future, as ECMWF works on it!
Read my note of 31 Jan. 2018, here: