Overview of units used on Windy
These are the layers for which it is not possible to change preferred units in the mobile app. Therefore the user must go from the mobile app to a desktop to switch between units that will be saved as preferred also in the app.
# on Windy Layer Available units Dropdown in preferences Scale on map 6 Rain accumulationmm, in no - does not change yes 14 Freezing altitudeft, m no yes 20 Cloud topsm, ft no yes 21 Cloud basem, ft no yes 29 Sea temperatureC, F no yes 30 Currents kt, ms, mph, kmh no yes 35 PressurehPa, inHg, mmHg no yes These are the layers that are missing imperial units:
# on Windy Layer Available units Metric Imperial 32 Dust mass ug/m3 yes no 33 SO2 mass ug/m3 yes no
Shortened version of this link: https://on.windy.com/Units
Tom this should be in diff category
@ivo are there plans so have other layers such as sea temperature read from preferences?
What's the right way of setting cloud base units to ft? Cannot find any option in settings -- it was in ft before and now I have it in meters suddenly and cannot find where to set it back. Have I missed some well-hidden configuration?
I have managed to get metric_cbase="ft" pushed to the server from my desktop Chrome and get it pulled by the Android app in turn. So it should be sorted for me now, but don't tell me this is the only way how to do it! :-)
@ivo This is an overview of layers, in which is not possible to change units in a mobile app. You need to go to the desktop version and change it there.
I have managed to get metric_cbase="ft" pushed to the server from my desktop Chrome and get it pulled by the Android app in turn. So it should be sorted for me now, but don't tell me this is the only way how to do it! :-)