Rendering problems in Google Chrome.
Hello, I'm sure this has been dealt with before but I can't find the thread. When using Windy in Chrome it won't render the wind animation. It flickers a little at the beginning and then disappears. Many of the menus do the same. When the cursor is moved over them they also disappear. I've tried restarting my computer and Chrome but this has not solved the problem.
Hi @dvallieres, could you please post a screenshot? Is it happening at different zoom levels? I've checked it and so far I can not confirm this issue. Thank you! ~ Marie
I have same problem .After registration and sign in, animation of wind disappeared.
Hi @Dalziel, I still can't confirm this issue. If the "particles animation" in the right bottom corner are switched on and animation is still not working, could you send us an error console/browser details/screenshot of the whole screen, please?