Please help
Sir, I live in Asia. Monsoon rains will start in the subcontinent from June.
Sir, my request from you. You tell me a few links. I see the forecast long range from Asia. June to September.
Sir please help me. -
Here you can see the rain forecasts from the european (ECMWF) and the american (GFS)
forecast model up to 10 days.,11.910,97.910,4... and here the wind forecast,97.910,4There are some monthly and seasonal forecasts,
to tell if the expected rain for a whole month (or season),
will be more or less than normal (climatic value)
but such seasonal forecasts are not very reliable.ECMWF seasonal forecast (prepared in April and valid for May-June-July):,Long (Months)%3BParameters,Precipitation&time=2018040100,744,2018050200&stats=tsum
Also, take a look at Hong Kong Observatory -
Thank you so much Sir. I always will I thankful to you.
Sir, you had typed links. They are all forecast of the United States.
Sir, but I am living in Pakistan. I want to see forecast June-September for Pakistan.
If you have any such links will appear June-September for Pakistan are forecast please tell me.
I shall remain obliged. -
The links provided are NOT for USA.
The first 3 links are for your area.
The 4th is global forecast. -
Ok Thank you so much Sir -
For Asia, you can find here, a blend of seasonal forecasts provided by UK's MetOffice, by european ECMWF and by MeteoFrance:,720,2018050100&type=ensm&area=area09In a few days (maybe tomorrow 1st of May) the new run will be available
to show the trends for June-July-Aug.According to India's Meteorological Department (IMD), the probabilities for 2018 monsoons are:
"normal monsoon a probability of 42%
and below-normal monsoon, a probability of 30%.
An above normal monsoon has a probability of only 12%.
So, forecasts are skewed towards the negative side,
but almost rules out a deficient monsoon."I hope this information will be of some help.
@gkikas-lgpz,720,2018050100&type=ensm&area=area09Sir! The above link not show map of Pakistan
the above link shows that:
You can not find Pakistan in the map? -
I found map of Pakistan. Thank you very much. I always will I thankful to you.
In the future, need to get weather information. So I will take guidance from you. -
Sir! Meteorology department Forecast What models do? I mean according to your, long range forecast models are not truly correct. Forecast of two to three months, according to the meteorology Department well what models do? Which are correct. -
For forecast models of India Meteo. Dept.
For forecast models of Pakistan Meteo. Dept. we knew which model is totally correct,
we'll not use anything else!I can not help you any more.
OK thank you so much Sir. -
A friend sent me the following link. -
No Weather Application Provides Future Radar Asia. What is the reason? -
Weather radars detect the presence of raindrops (or snowflakes) at a distance
using radio waves.
Radars can "see" what realy exist in the atmosphere.
Radars CAN NOT see the future!P.S. Some weather sites provide the , so called, future radar image.
Actualy they provide forecasts from weather models in "radar like" colours.
For example, here you can see that the imagery
comes from NAM high resolution weather model. -
According to your say, the radar does not tell the future. But in the following link, the radar predicts the future for Europe.
Unfortunately the future radar is not available for Asia around the world. This is my question. -
Please send a screenshot of with "future radar" imagery. -
Where is the Pic Uploader option? -
Have you heard about "copy-paste" ? -
I want to upload the screen shot but the option is not found. How to upload a screen shot?