Widget problems
Thank you for the new version of Windy. I was hoping that the widget not reloading was fixed, but sadly, it is not.
@junkitt Hello, thank you for letting us know, we are working on widget issues.
Hi folks, Remember me?
Well, it's been a few months and iOS has a new operating system but the widget problem isstill with us. So I will delete the app and reinstall again and see what that does for me. And I will, of course, report back when there is something to report.
Hello @junkitt, we are aware of new iOS widgets. We will add it in the future but we don't have any specific date of implementation.
Right now we are focused on other features that have a higher priority.
Thank you for your suggestion.
@petra-pik I'm sorry for the confusion here because this has nothing to do with enhancements to the ios widget.
I'm reporting that my widget suddenly fails to load data and the only way to get the widget to work again is to delete windy and then re-downlload the app again. If you look back in this thread, you will see my previous comments. I'm just saying that the problem still exists.
@junkitt, I see now.
We have this bug on a to-do list, we just have other issues that we need to focus on first. Please, be patient, we will look into this. Thank you for your understanding.
Of course. I just wanted to make sure we were talking about the same thing
@petra-pik It has been a while since I last wrote, but Windy widget has been behaving itself until this morning, when it suddenly reverted back to it's "unable to load" state. I'm very disappointed that this bug has not been fixed yet. After all, as your community software reminded me, this thread is old. Please advise. Thank you.
Hello @junkitt, did this occur after you have updated the application?
You can follow these steps to make it work again – https://community.windy.com/topic/11080/widget-problems-what-to-do. -
@petra-pik The point is that every time this happens, the only thing that works is a complete delete/reinstall including removing the widget first. Every time.
@junkitt, we are aware that for some users, the widget doesn't properly and we are working on it. Thank you for your understanding.
@petra-pik Or course I understand and I can be very patient. However, every time the widget fails on me, I will take the opportunity to remind you folks that the problem still exists, in case the bug gets forgotten.
Thank you.
@idefix37 June 2021 this issue still exists.
Widget shows rain but opening the Windy app shows no rain at all.
Sorry I meant to quote to the original post regarding Widgets displaying completely random rain data. When the main app shows no such thing.Pixel 5
Android 12 -
Could you show screenshots of widget and basic meteogram -
Didn't get screenshots of this morning with the rain but even the temps are off right now so screenshots of those...
App - https://1drv.ms/u/s!Agcofvc6q95tgvlI5VXkLbmcjuo6ug
Widget - https://1drv.ms/u/s!Agcofvc6q95tgvlHKxDdBIBN6yPy_A
Just realised in the screen shot MON @ 16hrs shows rain in the app, but the Widget shows no rain. -
@idefix37 more examples - https://1drv.ms/f/s!Agcofvc6q95tgvlMDHaR5z3wr8QNwA
@kurisu112 Hi, thank you for report, we have noticed this issue and we will try to fix it.
@korina Brilliant thank you :)
Hi all,
At the moment I use 2 widgets, 1 rain radar and 1 detail widget. They are set to use my current location.
Somehow the widget keeps using an "old location" instead of my current when "auto refreshing" (manual refresh works fine).
A bit more detail:
I live in "A" and work in "B". Friday was the last time I was at work. However the widget keeps using location "B" instead of "A". Only if I press the small refresh button on the widgets they pop to "A". However there is a good chance that if I look in an hour or two the location (when the widget refreshes in the background) is back to "B".Details:
App version: 33.0.5
Android version: 12, patch 5 November 2021
Phone: Google pixel 5I have no clue why it would matter but my "do not disturb" mode is on. (Scheduled).
The internet connection is Wifi.
Battery usage is set to "optimized".Everything else:
Device info:
"memUsed": 6373536,
"diskFree": 0,
"diskTotal": 868069376,
"model": "Pixel 5",
"operatingSystem": "android",
"osVersion": "12",
"platform": "android",
"manufacturer": "Google",
"isVirtual": false,
"name": "Pixel 5",
"webViewVersion": "95.0.4638.74"
}About this version
Target: mobile.html
Version: 33.0.5
Built: 2021-10-15, 20:51
Your browser: Mozilla/5.0 (Linux; Android 12; Pixel 5 Build/SP1A.211105.002.A1; wv) AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/4.0 Chrome/95.0.4638.74 Mobile Safari/537.36
WebGL particles: notLet me know if you need anything else.
Update: Yesterday I went for a hike and the location of the widgets followed me correct. However, when I went back home the location stayed at the location of the hike.
Also a quick suggestion, can you maybe make it so that when you press the refresh button on the widget the location is updated (for all widgets)
P s. Somehow I can't edit my last post, so I made a new one.