Solved Windy app not displaying all of map?
I get the same problem. HTC One (M7).How fix it? The problem came with the last version.
Maybe it has something to do with the latest version of there any way to go back to a previous version, ie: uninstall the latest update or does it not work like that?
I think so, you got a right,but i can try hold on new version of windy yet.I hope the problem will be fixed as soon as possible by IT experts of windy. -
@Marienka ..... any news with reported problem of blindless part of windymap on HTC ONE(M7),version android 5.0?
@ji-ko On our part, no news related to this particular issue. We are now working hard on a new release, hopefully coming soon! :) Any news on your part? Still experiencing this problem? Thanks ~ Marie
Still experiencing the problem on my phone..will keep the app for now In the hope a newer version will correct the problems..
I'm also getting the same issue when accessing windy through chrome web page aswel so the issue is not just related to the app...
@peteywahoo Mobile or desktop Chrome browser? Which OS? Thank you for letting me know, I will test it.
The chrome browser on my HTC must have something to do with the software version we are using..I will try on my iPad tomorrow and see how that goes...
@marienka I still have the issue on my Moto X.
@marienka On my HTC One problem still continue.No change till now.
@kompani101 it is going worse. Now goes to black screen and freezes. Useless.
@kompani101 I have replied to your FB message, thanks a lot for your updates & answers! ~ Marie
@TomSlavkovsky another HTC device here, with a similar screenshot:
Exactly what was happening on my Moto X. Except now it just crashes.
I have just had an update for windy but still the same issue is occurring..
Another user with the same issue: (screenshot included)
Hi @parvus , thank you very much for your report. Can you please give us info about your mobile device and its OS?
I have been having the same problem on my Windows 10 machine for the last couple weeks. It only displays the southern portion of the great lakes for waves, but will display normal for wind.
Hi @donaldboyer , waves on the Great Lakes are a different issue, please check this link.