Help us to test new Weather Radar overlay
Thank you for your hard work, guys! This site is awesome! I check it multiple times everyday!
Working in long haul communications, weather is a big factor in the quality of our comms. Using "Windy" really allows us to prepare for possible outages in Europe. Great work guys.
très bon site météo très bonne équipe…..continuer
merci et bonne continuation……. -
Very nice, useful, good graphics, good job. Congratulations!
Love the radar, It is the the one stop tool I use for most all things weather. Keep it up. Now just integrate lightning strike indicators with radar. Awesome App! Awesome Site. Give each other $20 =)
It’s useful and faithful to the radar coverage which CWB (Taiwan) offers for the area. It’s much improved over earlier efforts to incorporate radar on the platform.
Any chance that it could be viewed as an overlay on the wind data? That would be just perfect. -
I appreciate your hard work. You are now my Go-To weather site, and I'm a weather hound. Nothing is perfect, but you have done very well. Thank you again.
Wonderful display. I'm sure it will be very useful when the Hurricane season kicks in later in the Summer months. Central Florida weather can get pretty exciting in our Hot and Humid Summer months.
Since the update, switching to the Radar layer seems to always disable whatever isolines I have turned on. I like to leave the pressure isolines on all the time, and they stay when switching between the other layers, but as soon as I click radar they go away (and don't come back until I manually re-enable them).
Other than that, the new radar layer is great (though like others in this thread, I did kind of like the ghost image of the most recent data).
Can you have both the radar and wind arrows features enabled together? It looks like you can pair every other function with radar but this one. It's not working on my Chromebook and IIRC it used to.
Beyond that, it looks good - Windy is quickly evolving as my go-to for weather and the "sports/aviation" features are great.
Love it!
J'adore,super.Merci pour le travail que vous avez fait. -
Super sprawa! pozdrawiam ekipę!
great job!! everything works well with me.
Northeast Poland greets
Zkusím napřed češtinu, předpokládám, že vývojový tým je asi český :-) . Uvítal (a jistě mnozí další) bych rozšíření sledované oblasti o nepokrytou severní Itáli, oblast kolem rakouského Villachu a Slovinské Alpy. Jsou to oblasti, kde se masivně provozuje paragliding. Pro nás "hadroletce" je počasí životně důležité a srážky obvzlášť. Udělali by jste jistě radost početné skupině častých uživatelů Windy. Btw. Windy je po mne absolutní jednička mezi apkami na počasí. Pokud by ještě měla předpověď lability zvrstvení popř. aktuální teplotní výstup, tak je to naprosto dokonalé. Dík za ní.
Thank you for finally cover Taiwan!! Much appreciated!
@dudubernardes said in Help us to test new Weather Radar overlay:
Ok. Congratulations.
@ivo Excellent feature. It is very much appreciated!
Very good !!!