Help us to test new Weather Radar overlay
You've done a great job. Many thanks
b.podoba mi się,zwłaszcza duża iosc szczególow pogodowych
great job guys!!!
the radar map is very useful as we need know if kite spot is rainning or not .
please get Hong Kong radar data included . Hong Kong is very open i think that you can get it included.
best regards.
You've created an excellent tool that has quickly replaced many of the weather tools I was previously using. It hits the mark with functional, clean design and usability, and nicely unifying weather data taxpayers have already paid for, that were previously spread in various places. Great work, thank you, and thank you for keeping it free!
I think it's fantastic! Keep up the good work!
You guy's are awesome! Finally, weather I can count on when offshore fishing. Thanks Team!
This feature is exactly what I have been waiting for... Great tool for my household. thanks Guys !
Keeping up to the radar data of the rest of Europe!
@ivo Très intéressant, votre site est très agréable à consulter. Il serait utile également de pouvoir revenir sur les heures précédentes. D'autres part, en tant qu'utilisateur français, j'aimerais avoir la possibilité d'afficher les isobares de 5 en 5 et de pouvoir les mettre en noir pour une meilleure lisibilité sur les fonds de nuages. Autre suggestion la représentation des lignes de flux est certes très esthétique mais, il serait très utile, surtout pour les navigateur, d'avoir le vent sous forme de barbules et en points de grille. C'est cependant pour le moment le meilleur site pour moi.
@ivo I'm a weather fanatic and I love your new radar overlay. Thank you for all the work you do!
Please continue doing such innovative informative real time weather monitoring system. This is very helpful, straightforward...thank you!
Fantastic job! This was the only missing piece! Best app ever.
Portugal have three radars that cover portugal and the atlantic near and part of Spain
Wirklich gut!
Vielleicht lässt sich der Radar noch erweitern, wäre natürlich sensationell.
NB: Sehr gute Karten im Hintergrund. Danke -
@ivo its work great in puerto rico
The Puerto Rico data is up to date and helpful. Thanks a lot for helping us! This app helped big time during hurricane Maria.
Super 👍⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
I'm very happy with the new layout, very easy to read and work with.
my friends ask me what weather app i"m using because Windy is way better then theirs.
I am glad to tell them (GET WINDY APP) , it has everything you need.
I have no problems for what I need. N.E. Coast ...TY