Help us to test new Weather Radar overlay
Will you also be showing forecasted movement of storms?
Really nice. Wondering about when are you going to have 3D data to see on screen?
Thx, -
Celá aplikace WINDY je naprostá BOMBA. Super!!! jen tak dál. Zlaté české ručičky.
@ivo Kanonbra!
undrar om ni tänker föra in blixtar/åska oxå? -
jest ok.
能在中国遇到Windy,我觉得我很幸运。A very good function, at least in China. Because in China, organizations can make site like this very few. Although the official website of our weather station can also do similar function, but it looks not beautiful enough, like this:
I feel very lucky to meet windy in China.As a Chinese pupil, it's really hard to write these English.
I could use the HRRR model, but people in Europe could care less. Why not add all three?
I love your new feature that shows the difference between all the different models!
Another great feature! Thanks
You vote for HRRR, but in the wrong topic. You should do it here :
Pourriez vous au moins parler le Francais . Merci
Pourquoi devrait-on parler français sur ce topic qui est en anglais ?? En plus Windy n’est pas un site français.
Si tu veux débattre en français, il faut le faire dans « Non English posts », d’accord ?