Radar meteo
No more data for italy and france? For north-west italy have you tried ? : https://www.arpa.piemonte.it/rischinaturali/tematismi/meteo/osservazioni/radar/mosaico-piemonte.html?delta=0
@giofer1979 Radar data for Italy and France is still available. Must have been just a temporary bug with receiving the data.
@theradarguy radar data for Italy are not available since beginning,only some parts that are covered by France radar. Don't know what's the problem is. Hopefully windy will add this soon
Here the answer from @tomslavkovsky 9 days ago about my suggestion for radars in Caribbean Sea:« @idefix37 we access to raw data for at least 8 radar in the Caribbean Sea, we just need to add it.
We have added UK & Ireland. We will be adding Italy & Greece very soon. Next is Canada »
So it should be soon for Italy too.
It has been several days since the data of France and Italy are no longer accessible and that worries nobody. -
you can see radar images of Portugal at http://www.ipma.pt/pt/otempo/obs.radar/