Synchronize googleapp, facebook connected, with windows account
I can not log in at the google app with my login created in windows. App ist connected with Facebook. because I did not found another way to created an account in the app. The app is a pro version, but i can not log in with my Windows account. How can these both App and Windows be sychronized?
The « Windy App Pro » is not the original Windy which is free, without pro version. -
Thanks, I found the mistake. Sorry for you that I use the other app and they made a little copy of your map, but I found them first half a year ago, and now I found you(I searched for "wind" in the google-play store). The first app I found was windfinder. At the moment a think for my use ist teh windy app, sorry when I say that, but it is a little bit more compact and gives all the information you need for sailing at a lake. the point with the pro and normal version at this tim I think you are right, the difference is very low.Thanks!
regrads from Germany