Real Time Lightning Strikes
- is, by far, the best weather app I have seen. There is a ton of information for any user, regardless of his/her level of knowledge of weather. One way the app could be made even better is to incorporate real time lightning strike information. In the USA, many outdoor sporting events are now making use of the Weatherbug app which has a lightning strike function that pinpoints strikes relative to the user's location. This is vital information that allows for intelligent decisions regarding the interruption of events in the interest of safety when thunderstorms threaten. In some states, sanctioning organizations now require that a lightning strike locator be on site at any event where thunderstorms can be a factor. Judging from the level of sophistication present in the Windy app, the Windy engineers could certainly come up with a lightning strike locator that would knock Weatherbug to the side!
@jiblk I have just briefly compared WeatherBug and Blitzortung and the quality of WeatherBug is not good. I recommend go through Blitzortung webpage to see the challenges in creating a lightning network.