API v4 Features
Hi all, I'm testing the v4 API for my personal home dashboard.
I've got some questions regarding some features in the v4 API:
- Weather radar
- Detailed weather info from weather picker
Will these features be added in the future to the APIv4?
These features are will be really missed and are currently the things holding me back from moving to v4 from v3.Public version of the dashboard: https://dashboard.vos.earth/public.php
(click on the temperature/weather symbol for Windy APIv3 frame)
APIv4 frame: https://dashboard.vos.earth/windyframe.inc.html -
Hi, I see you've managed to get the daily forecast to show, I am new to the API and would really appreciate some help with the code behind making that show
Well you violate conditions of our api by removing our logo!!!!
@ivo I'm sorry, I've had that for a moment yes. But lately it's only moving around some things and hiding the levels switch with CSS in order to fit the layout of my weather page.