Weather Radar !
Just wondering, why in the app on the Weather Radar does it only tell me what has happened, and doesn’t show an actual forecast. Seems to be the opposite of a weather radar if it only tells you things that have happened in the past, 23 mins ago a thunderstorm hit. I know, I’m wet and cold! Thanks.
The weather radar displays recent past up to 12 hours and the current precipitation. It is not a forecast tool except that you can view the radar loop and see which direction the rain/thunderstorms are moving.
Weather radars provide images of instant rainfall. If you gather images during the last hour, it will give you a sort of video of the last rainfall during this hour.
A weather radar can NEVER provide predictive images.
Same as your camera can take pictures or video but never shows images of the future.
Weather website or App showing so called « future radar » show an extrapolation of the last radar image applied during the next hour. If a new rain zone appears during this time you will not see it. However there are some high resolution weather models which are able to provide rainfall forecasts that look like a radar image. This not radar but just an avatar of radar. -
It is understood,thanks
@Dani-Pérez de todas formas estaría bien tener un avatar de radar de las siguientes 3 horas para hacernos una idea.
El avatar de radar de la app de wheather pro muestra las 2h y media proximas y viene muy bien porque no suele cambiar demasiado la direccion del frente,sobre todo si es un frente potente de lluvias,nieve etc.....
Gracias de todas formas por tu explicación,no lo sabía,ahora entiendo porque a veces no acierta del todo con tormentas ... -
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