Time zoom 1H / 3H
In the ios App there is a switch button to have the prediction every hours or every 3 hours.
I not view this option in the website .
Simon -
Hi, there is no switch button 1h/3h in the Windy iOS App (the true one).
May be you use another app also called Windy. Pls could you show a screenshot of your iOS app. -

OK but this app is not the App of Windy.com !The true Windy App is available on the App Store, with the same logo as Windy.com and is free. On the true Windy App there is no « 1h/3h switch button » because the ECMWF provide their data with a 3h step.
(Je suppose que l’application russe fait simplement une interpolation des données d’origine, du moins pour le modèle de l’ECMWF)