Beginners questions about API 4
- I'm using API 3 in my websites www.sää Do I have to start from the beginning or can I just copy my recent works from API 3 to API 4?
2.Is it much more complicated to use API 4 than API 3 ? Or is it just pretty similar?
3.Can I combine different layers on top of each other in API 4?
4.Can I adjust isobars interval in API 4
- I'm using API 3 in my websites www.sää Do I have to start from the beginning or can I just copy my recent works from API 3 to API 4?
- you'll be doing a little bit of refactoring - but likely your API calls and use of leaflet and mostly unchanged.
- similar
- not that i am aware of
- not that i am aware of
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