Wave for gliders.
How to read a wave forecast for gliders, if it exists on Windy? Or put it on menu. Flying the wave is absolutely top of gliding. Many glider pilots would be very happy with the wave forecast. Thank you. BS
I think you are asking for mountain waves
(for sea waves https://www.windy.com/-Waves-waves?waves,35.030,-81.123,4 )Is not easy to make a map for mountain waves. You must consider
wind speed and direction, winds aloft, topography, stability, humidity etcI don't think weather models provide such data.
There is a forecast for ocean and see waves.
I am flying regularly wave and it is not easy to predict it. The prediction in Windy would by awesome. Until now I did not find worldwide wave prediction. Exists on Flymet in Czech Republic but is only for the country.
Thanks BS