Default color scale missing a decimal point for accumulated rainfall
The top colour band for accumulated rainfall defaults to 312 inches - I think this is supposed to be 31.2 inches. It certainly looks more informative if you look at North Carolina right now with this changed.
I'm not sure what you are referring to when you wrote color scale. If you mean the scale at the lower right corner, then my scale tops out at 3 ft.
Would you be more specific? Are you using a browser or app? Which app or which browser? Are you referring to a different scale than in my pic?
Click Settings => Modify Layers Colours => Select Overlay = Rainfall Accumulation.
The value in the bottom row is 312 and I think it is supposed to be 31.2 as 312 just makes all rainfall over 19" the same shade of pink.
Ahh, found it. I was using an app initially but realize what you were saying once I launched my browser. Yes, it seems to be a mistake but you can change the number to 31.2 by adding a period to the number right there as just did. I agree that the default value is not correct.
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