CMC Model Upgrades
At 12z today, 8 weather models from the Canadian Meteorological Centre will feature major upgrades. Most notably, increased horizontal resolution of analysis increment from 50 km to 37 km in all models. The grids were updated from a Gaussian grid to a Yin-Yang grid. Also in the Global Ensemble Prediction System (GEPS), the model top is raised from 2 hPa to 0.1 hPa with 81 vertical levels instead of 74. Additionally, the GEPS has an increased product resolution from 50 km to 25 km.
All the updated models today include:
-Global Ensemble Prediction system (GEPS) 5.0.0
-Global Deterministic Prediction system (GDPS) 6.1.0
-Regional Deterministic Prediction system (RDPS) 6.0.0
-Regional Ensemble Prediction system (REPS) 2.4.0
-High Resolution Deterministic Prediction system (HRDPS) 5.0.0
-Regional Air Quality Deterministic Prediction System (RAQDPS) and FireWork version 20
-Regional Deterministic Precipitation Analysis (RDPA (CaPA)) 4.5.0
-High Resolution Deterministic Precipitation Analysis (HRDPA (CaPA-2.5km)) 4.5.0The CMC also has a page for notes on models they upgrade which will be included below.