Windy API v4 and Leaflet 1.2.0 not work
Hi Team, we are working on a boat Project and use lot overlay functions wit leaflet 1.2.0. Now we make a try with you actal windy Version, but we cant use it here. Also we cant use thes Way we need with JSON.
My team tells me, we need here to downgrade to old leaflet version, but this is no go. How can we use your Layer and the boat tracker also in leaflet 1.2.0 without to insert a second i frame? We want to add the windy layer with a switch on/off on our Map. We also want be a payed Cliend of windy. Is there any support to find a solution here. I think we are not the first one with this request?
For any help we was very happy, thanks kasi
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