No widget on Android 8.1.0 on BB Motion
The widget is missing on Android 8.1.0 on my BB Motion, though the app works. The widget works fine on Android 6.0 on my LG G4.
@gzip Are the Windy app and your android version entirely up to date? Also, what launcher are you using? If you're using the default launcher, try using an aftermarket one from the play store.
Windy and Android are upto date. I am using Blackberry launcher. I tried Fastkey launcher, still no windy widget.
Yes I don't have any widget available either. Im using Samsung Galaxy S5, Android 6, and Nova Launcher.
The widget simply doesn't appear in the list.
Ok problem solved, for me at least. On my device if the Windy app is moved to the SD card the Widgets are no longer available.
Solved for me too. I moved Windy to internal storage and it works now. Thanks @jmh2002 .
@jmh2002 Thanks for helping to solve the bug, I had no idea what might have caused it until now.
oh, cool result for everyone, Im happy.