Which model should Windy implement next? Please vote.
Model number three.
Vote number 1: HIRLAM.
Difficult - I recommend AROME. It could be interesting, to compare other models with the new AROME model with 2 km resolution.
HRRR - Im in the Caribbean so anything "this side" is great
Vote 2: AROME
Vote #2 : AROME
@planetjim said in Which model should Windy implement next? Please vote.:AROME would be the most interest here, plenty of mountains and coastline here in Tasmania
I’m afraid that many of the people voting here imagine that the 3 models are global models: NO they are not.
You have no chance to use AROME in TasmaniaAgain...
HIRLAM covers Scandinavia (and more)
AROME covers a part of Western Europe
HRRR covers USAThese 3 models are not global models like ECMWF and GFS
Vote 3 HRRR :)
Vote 2: AROME
AROME :-) pour être au parfum !
I vote 3
Arome please!
2 Arome. Me gusta este tipo de perspectiva ya que proporciona mas nitidez y frescura, también la zona que abarca el dominio del modelo.
Vote nr. 2 Arome
Vote 2 : Arome
I do not understand this survey.
It is evident that we will vote for the model that is closest and most decisive.
The result of the survey is easy to predict, depending on the location of each voter. -
Vote number 1. Iceland
vote n° 1 HIRLAM
It of most use for the area where I live. -
Vote 2: AROME. The Alps, the Pyrenees, the Atlantic shore, the Mediterranean sea...
nr 2 nr2 nr2