Which model should Windy implement next? Please vote.
Vote number 2: AROME approx 2km resolution
I'm not an expert but 2km resolution seems better than the others. And as I am European much better
I vote #3
Vote 1: HIRLAM
I vote for number 2
Wonder that ICON is not on the list.. It have worldwide coverage, available from open data and many experts say, it's one of the best models.
Ich would like to vote for No.2
Vote number 1: HIRLAM.
I chose this because it has almost the same resolution as ICON EU, but a wider forecast area.
HRRR, just because I live on this side of the world.
Thank you Windy, your work is amazing and I'm very grateful that you share it.
Vote for No. 2. Thank you
I would rather say two of them - HIRLAM and HRRR. Due to two regions.
3 HRRR Model
No : 2 . Thank you
HRRR - for sure
@ivo HIRLAM is my choice
vote 2 AROME
I would wish for number 3. this is if Canada is included in the view of the north american models. much of the weather is influenced by Canada.
Me gusta el programa, pero ayer callo granizo en mi localidad y el windy no alerto del fenomeno me gustaria que se pudiera cambiar eso .desde ya muchas gracias .
Vote 2 : Arome
I find the precision of Arome very impressive, and imho it would complement the other models very well !
Thank you so much for your work on this fantastic website !!! -
Vote 1 Arome.
La número 2.